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An AI-powered Spark 5 smartphone is set to launch in the African market by Tecno Mobile

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    Hong Kong-based Smartphone maker, TECNO Mobile announced its plans to launch Spark 5 smartphone which features a unique 5 camera system designed to enhance photography and videography experiences, in the African market. 

    The smartphone will also feature a bigger battery and a larger immersive display screen, bringing to life photos and videos, and is powered by AI technology.

    SPARK 5's AI Quad camera will feature the upgraded 'AI Camera 3.0' algorithm and AI scene detection capabilities. It also features 6 flashlights with 4 situated around the back camera and dual front camera flash. In addition to the phone's ability to produce ultra-high-quality photo and video, the device will include an extended battery life with a 5,000mAh built-in battery which is an improvement on the 4,000 mAh battery in the previous model.

    Compared with its predecessor SPARK 4, which featured a 6.52" dot-in Screen, the SPARK 5 will feature a larger dot-in display with a 720*1600 HD resolution to provide users with a fully immersive screen viewing experience. The device operates on HiOS which is a customized version of Android Q and will be available in four colour options of Ice Jadeite, Spark Orange, Vacation Blue and Misty Grey.


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    Author: Christy Richards

    Last Updated: 1704052804

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    Name: Christy Richards

    Birthday: 1996-01-31

    Address: 6867 Troy Crescent Apt. 681, Port Frankbury, NV 95320

    Phone: +4300256718097362

    Job: Chemical Engineer

    Hobby: Playing Piano, Ice Skating, Billiards, Painting, Table Tennis, Magic Tricks, Skiing

    Introduction: My name is Christy Richards, I am a variegated, unwavering, important, vibrant, risk-taking, unswerving, talented person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.