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Eric Andre and Annie Murphy Take a Bic EasyRinse in the Shower

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    "Eric and I had a ton of fun pretending to be nude in the shower to spread the word," Murphy says in campaign materials. "With spring cleaning right around the corner, I'm ready to go bonkers and unclog my life. I could start with my kitchen, my bedroom, my bathroom, my living room, or my dining room. But starting small is better, so I'll start—and let's be honest probably end—with my razor."

    Also good to know (but TMI, maybe?).

    Bic calls EasyRinse its "most significant razor innovation in nearly 50 years." So, clearly, only wet celebs would do as brand ambassadors.

    Doner CX developed the campaign, which will run across TV, digital, retail displays and signage.


    Article information

    Author: Kathryn Carrillo

    Last Updated: 1703839802

    Views: 1346

    Rating: 4.9 / 5 (88 voted)

    Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Kathryn Carrillo

    Birthday: 1987-08-25

    Address: Unit 2357 Box 5684, DPO AP 28809

    Phone: +3560563844495019

    Job: Flight Attendant

    Hobby: Camping, Astronomy, Tea Brewing, Dancing, Woodworking, Poker, Snowboarding

    Introduction: My name is Kathryn Carrillo, I am a resolved, radiant, dedicated, clever, brilliant, transparent, spirited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.